The Menegaz Lab

Functional Morphology  ∙  Craniofacial Biology  ∙  Musculoskeletal Health

The Menegaz Lab is part of the Center for Anatomical Sciences and the Department of Physiology and Anatomy at the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth, Texas.

We study the growth, structure, and function of craniofacial tissues.

What you eat and how you eat it contributes to the healthy growth and performance of the muscles and bones of the head. 

Our research investigates how the material properties of diet affect the growth and remodeling of craniofacial tissues. What we eat when we are young influences our adult facial structure, and diet continues to play an important part in maintaining these structures as we age. We're interested in how diet and feeding behaviors contribute to musculoskeletal growth and function in both healthy and pathological states.

Student opportunities in the lab can be found here

News and updates can be found here.
